
Mr Peters,
I have heard Economics in One Lesson recommended from a number of sources in the research I did while preparing some of my previous remarks, and I think you've convinced me to visit the library this weekend and pick up a copy. I think the ideas you've espoused are interesting, and are a creative way to look at economics (compared to the works I've read, anyway). It's rare that I encounter someone bold enough to disagree with both Adam Smith and the Founders, and who isn't just running his mouth, but has substance to back it up. I've enjoyed our discussion and I may forward a few remarks after reading the book you've suggested if it's all right.

As far as the communist thing was concerned, just so I don't give the wrong idea, I didn't think you had suggested any such thing. It's just so unusual for me to discuss government intervention in the market and not uniformly object to it. By the third or so post in which I still insisted that some limited intervention was sometimes justified, I felt the role reversal pretty significantly, and didn't want to give the wrong idea.

And as far as the "sneaky" business was concerned, I didn't mean it to suggest you were being duplicitous or anything. I did feel the argument went from broad to narrow on that one issue pretty abruptly, and I guess I hadn't realized it until after it had happened.

Anyway, been nice chatting with you. Best of luck,


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