
Have you hugged your Tocqueville today?

So perhaps the poll for this week should be: do you want BHO's Excellent Adventure of a budget/stimulus/recovery fantasy to work, or don't you?

I have mixed feelings on this: recessions, especially bad ones, are not to be wished for; but on the other hand, the success (or appearance of success) of an economic plan which reduces all of us to the level of Tocqueville's "industrious animals" has the (equally?) deleterious effect of rendering permanent such programs as Dear Leader can implement. I am convinced that even the success (much less its failed but permanent implementation) of the BHO atrocity exhibition is to doom our fair republic to share the European fate, to have our wills enervated at the teat of the government tutelage, to emasculate those among us prepared to work and compete and do the unpleasant tasks involved in providing for our families.

Is the success of this program to be wished, even at the expense of a recession? Or would a nation of free men rather be 20% poorer but continue to live as free men instead of being enslaved to the tender, caring mercies of a benevlolent despot of a federal government?

I ask rhetorically, of course. But this is what our nation has reduced to: a craven desire for comfort above freedom, and it will prove costly in the end.


Freebird said...

I was all set to write a scathing comment regarding what a horrid question you had posed and was about the express disbelief that YOU could even ask such a question... then I read the last paragraph. well said.

Freebird said...

By the way, I just saw the cover of "the weekly Standard" titled "Obama's America". Brilliant.