
And the answer is...

The two worst Amendments to our otherwise excellent Constitution came rapidfire under the deranged tutelage of Woodrow Wilson and WH Taft, no matter how much I'd rather blame the whole thing on Wilson. These are the 16th and 17th: the 17th rendered the Federal government immune from influence by the states, and the 16th gave them so much money that this immunity was certain to be abused. And, a century later, Ted "Chappaquidick" Kennedy remains a senator and his relative--I don't know and can't be bothered to look up what the relation is, as if it matters--Caroline, is about to become a deserving recipient of Hillary's old seat. And so it goes.

And, it must be admitted, both these ingenious (and disingenuous) naked power grabs came with solid Republican majorities in the senate, so the party of small government was as prone to flipping out back then as it has been the last eight years.

The third worst one I selected sort of for fun and was the 18th. I selected it mainly because I like booze and the idea of outlawing it by writing such a ban into the Constitution (which, think about it, we don't do now even for really bad stuff like heroin or tofu or Al Gore blowup dolls) strikes me as both utterly mad and also as a perfect example of what happens when democrats take sole posession of Congress and decide to write amendments.

Effin booze-hating democrats. And now they hate tobacco just as much, but are too drunk on the power and money which its taxes convey to actually have the courage (not to say honesty or integrity) to outright ban the stuff. And the party which has a crush on the idea of letting everyone smoke pot all the time (sorry, just for rigorously regulated and controlled "medical" use) thinks smoking pot is great but smoking cigarettes make you the devil--or just a devilishly handsome and wicked smart democrat president-elect, I guess.

I kid.

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